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Lapin-Chagrin et les jours d’Elko

Lapin-Chagrin et les jours d’Elko


Title: Lapin-Chagrin et les jours d’Elko
ISBN: 978-2-923521-21-3
Author: Sylvie Nicolas
Illustration: Marion Arbona
Release date: August 2011
Format: Album, 44 Pages,
Intended audience: 6 years +
Price: $ 14.95

Book summary

Tata, Mama, Nerko, and Elko must now face the war. In search of safer places to stay, they are forced to leave their house, garden, and dogs behind. Thankfully, the love they have for each other, the communities’ caring, the people’s generosity, and Sad-Buddy’s presence for Nerko, sooth their plight. This story was inspired by the eventful childhood account of Nermin Grbic, during the Bosnia-Herzegovina war. A soft, sweet, and poetic account that alleviates the sadness of the topic.
