Book summary
Magali dreams most of the time. Especially in class! She dreams of one day joining Doctors Without Borders, to care for sick children in far away countries. In school, nothing goes right. Harvey and his friends are spreading terror. Strangely, those wearing eyeglasses are the most frequent victims. As if eyeglasses could attract and multiply the wickedness of these bullies. It’s no wonder that Magali hates glasses more than anything else! Fortunately, she can count on good friends like Caroline and Steeve, a hearing impaired boy in Mrs. Caroline’s class. For the young lady with blond braids, everything became fuzzy after a fever caused by the measles. Through the use of ploys, each more ingenious than the other, Magali protects the secret in which she becomes increasingly bogged down. But how far will she go? And at what price? For how long will she have to lie? How much time will she need to finally see things clearly?
Book Excerpt
Par chance, le délit passe inaperçu et la petite futée retourne prestement dans la chambre de ses parents, refermant la porte derrière elle. Malgré ses yeux irrités, Magali ouvre son livre avec un délicieux sentiment d’interdit. Sa mère est très loin de l’imaginer perdue au Far West accompagnée de son héros à cheval, à la recherche du désormais célèbre charlatan Doxey. En effet, celui-ci vient de s’évader de prison. Tout comme moi ! se dit la demoiselle en arborant un sourire malicieux. Elle tourne une page, puis une autre.
— Le voilà !