Santiago’s daily routine is disrupted because a new baby will soon be arriving in his family. The nine-year-old boy’s grandfather decides to go on a trip with him to an isolated cabin in the heart of the forest. Santiago realizes that the week-long trip takes him away from all his video games, his favourite movies and his skateboard. But the contact with the great outdoors brings unexpected and extraordinary adventures. The highlight of his vacation is when Santiago buys a very old looking small chest, covered with hieroglyphs, which contains mysterious tattoos. This treasure throws him into an unknown world. There, Santiago meets new friends who introduce him to cultures and traditions different than those of his Chilean father and Quebec mother. Along with his grandfather, the boy begins exploring, experimenting and discovering many wonderful things. While experiencing fear and amazement, Santiago will also have to be courageous in order to have some great memories that will last a lifetime.
Book Excerpt
Malgré son acharnement, il constate l’inutilité de son cellulaire. Pas de signal, ici ! Il devra se débrouiller et trouver une solution. Pas le choix, il faut vider le coffre de la voiture et installer la roue de secours. Comble de malheur, les moustiques nous harcèlent et nous mangent tout cru ! Je cours dans la voiture, m’empare des chapeaux avec filets protecteurs, et nous devenons des extra-terrestres chassant les ennemis volants suceurs de sang ! Pour nous protéger, je vaporise énormément de chasse-moustiques à senteur de citron. Il me faut admettre l’efficacité de ce produit ; je prends conscience de son importance et jure de ne plus m’en séparer.