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Zizou 1 : Le soccer ! Pas juste pour les sportifs

Zizou 1 : Le soccer ! Pas juste pour les sportifs


Title: Zizou 1 : Le soccer ! Pas juste pour les sportifs
Main themes: Soccer, sport, family, stoutness
ISBN: 978-2-924253-56-4
Author: Marc Couture
Illustration: Anouk Lacasse
Release date: February 2016
Format: Novel pocket book, 73 pages
Intended audience: 6 years old and up
Price: $ 8.95

Book summary

Sports are for sportsmen! Playing soccer is not for me. I prefer to watch television; but my parents dislike that. But, to participate in sport, is the strong recommendation of my physician. Sports are healthy. Whether I like it or not, I will join the soccer team. But I did not know how things would change…

Book Excerpt

Sports are for sportsmen! Playing soccer is not for me. I prefer to watch television; but my parents dislike that. But, to participate in sport, is the strong recommendation of my physician. Sports are healthy. Whether I like it or not, I will join the soccer team. But I did not know how things would change…
