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Shawinigan et Shipshaw

Shawinigan et Shipshaw


Title: Shawinigan et Shipshaw
ISBN: 2-923425-01-4
Illustration: Nadia Berghella
Release date: September 2005
Format: Novel pocket book, 92 Pages
Intended audience: 6 years +
Price: $ 7.95

Book summary

Shawinigan et Shipshaw tells the story of two cats wrestling with a variety of difficulties. Why are the objects disappearing? Shipshaw, as a good detective, should solve the mystery. Despite their differences the two cats will develop a meaningful and lasting friendship.Readers are engrossed in the mix of reality and fantasy that combine to create this sensitive and charming story filled with creativity, a hint of mystery and surprise.

Book Excerpt

— Non ! ne faites pas ça, supplie-t-elle. Je vais le prendre, moi, ce petit chaton !

Elle a dans la voix ce goût de chocolat chaud et de guimauve qui fond dedans. Son sourire est comme un rayon de soleil en plein après-midi.

— Vous en êtes sûre, madame Annabelle ? demande la vétérinaire.
