Le printemps arrive enfin. La neige fondante laisse des flaques d'eau partout. Alors que ses amis essaient de circuler sans trop se mouiller, Shipshaw nage dans une profonde mélancolie. Après le passage d'un voilier d'oies blanches, notre héros est sur le point de vivre d'autres incroyables péripéties. Shipshaw s'embarque sur le Chat-Rat-Ïbes, la dernière invention d'Hector. Jamais avant, on aura vu un chat s'aventurer aussi loin… Mais où s'en va Shipshaw ? Et pourquoi part-il en voyage ? Qui retrouvera-t-il au bout de ce si long chemin ?
My extraordinary story began one night in March. Snuggled be-tween my brother and my sister, I was purring happily when my mother suddenly stood up, her head erect and her ears alert. In one bound, she raced off towards the noise coming from the front of the bakery. Since I knew she would come back after chasing the big monster away, I fell right back to sleep. As I was drifting off, I moved one paw over my little muzzle, which was already cold. Early in the morning, the icycold woke me up. I was shivering all over. My family had disappeared! I meowed very loudly, but there wasn’t a cat around to hear me.