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Ghislaine Thibault

Ghislaine Thibault is born in Montreal on February 1, 1961, studied literature and languages at John Abbott College, then screenwriting and creative writing at the University du Québec à Montréal. She also obtained a degree in translation from Concordia University. She started her own written communication company, Scribe Communications in 1997. Since then, she has published more than 1,700 articles for various Canadian weekly magazines. In 2004, Ghislaine was a finalist in La Tribune – Salon du livre contest, for her story entitled Le paquet. Passionate about horses and a kid at heart (she says she’s only ten years old, though we know that is not true!), she is now presenting her very first children’s book, Furies à l’écurie, the first installment of the Anne-Sophie series. This book is both simple and touching.
Ghislaine Thibault