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Title: Pied-de-Puce
ISBN: 978-2-923521-04-6
Author: Sylvie Nicolas
Illustration: Marion Arbona
Release date: September 2009
Format: Album, 32 Pages,19 x 27,5 cm
Intended audience: 6 years +
Price: $ 12.95

Book summary

Pied-de-Puce has drawn a family portrait. But her family is not like the other families. And Flee-Foot is not like the other children neither. She has a very personal way of looking at things. And when she gets nervous or sad, words become entangled. A story into which words are not friendly. Where the fight they engage into the little one’s head always fade away when she’s in the tender embrace of aunt Felicia. A story about words and the difficulty of conveying emotions.
