In the small village of Rocketville, nine year old Zack lives only for hockey. He has the finesse, the dexterity and all of the other qualities that the sport requires. One day, his father, also a hockey fan, gives him extraordinary skates and a hockey stick that have been transferred from father to son for many generations. Is this equipment magic or bewithched? Who knows? But with this, he will perform astonishing wonders on the ice. But not everything is perfect in Rocketville! Nathan just moved into the village and wants to know how his new friend is able to skate so well. One thing is for sure, Zack and Nathan will live an unforgettable adventure.
Danielle Boulianne introduces the first novel in a series that is inspired by her love of hockey and friendship in which the player's only desire is to surpass themselves. A novel filled with adventures and lively characters. Zack and his magical equipment is an unforgivable story.
Zack consacre toutes ses heures libres au hockey. Il a d’ailleurs décidé de rejoindre l’équipe locale, les Requins de Rocketville. Parce qu’il est bon, on lui a attribué la position de joueur de centre et le titre de capitaine. Sa renommée le précède souvent, si bien que ses adversaires le craignent. Tout cela le pousse à envisager de faire carrière dans ce sport, mais pour l’instant, il souhaite avant tout s’amuser ! Le soir venu, quand la fatigue se fait sentir, le garçon s’endort fréquemment blotti contre son père, Marc, en regardant un match de ses idoles à la télévision. Il en a pris l’habitude depuis son plus jeune âge. Ce temps passé ensemble reste un moment d’étroite complicité entre le père et le fils.