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Le football 1 : Touchdown

Le football 1 : Touchdown


Title: Le football 1 : Touchdown
Main themes: Self esteem, bullying, roughness in sport
ISBN: 978-2-924253-72-4
Author: Marc Couture
Illustration: Jocelyne Bouchard
Release date: September 2016
Format: Novel Pocket book, 96 pages
Intended audience: 9 years and up
Price: $ 9.95

Book summary

Minos is tall and strong for his age. After he tries unsuccessfully to play soccer and his teammates ridiculing him, a football coach approaches him. Minos will have to learn everything though. In order to win, he will have to follow his new coach’s instructions and face the roughness of this sport. Unfortunately, Minos has to live with the memories of a tragic accident that happened the year before. Minos loves football. But will he continue to play despite the risks? Will he give up because he’s too afraid to hurt someone? Will he be able to conquer his fears?

Selection by Communication Jeunesse 2017-2018.

Book Excerpt

Le ballon est remis au quart-arrière, qui pivote, recule et s’apprête à faire une passe. Je me faufile à travers leur ligne défensive. J’aperçois le receveur choisi ; il lève les bras. Je cours dans sa direction, prêt à le plaquer. Au dernier moment, il laisse échapper le ballon et je le récupère juste avant qu’il n’atteigne le sol. Surpris, je n’hésite qu’un bref instant. Je le cale dans le creux de mon bras et, galvanisé par les encouragements de mes coéquipiers, j’entreprends la longue remontée vers la zone des buts.
